Array ( [count_posts] => 7 [cache_key] => Query_Posts::global::hu::YTo1OntzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiaHUiO3M6NzoiZG9tYWlucyI7YToxOntpOjA7czo1OiJzcG9ydCI7fXM6Njoib2Zmc2V0IjtpOjEwO3M6OToidGF4X3F1ZXJ5IjthOjE6e2k6MDthOjM6e3M6ODoidGF4b25vbXkiO3M6ODoicG9zdF90YWciO3M6NToiZmllbGQiO3M6MjoiaWQiO3M6NToidGVybXMiO2E6MTp7aTowO2k6NDE0O319fXM6MTE6ImFmdGVyTG9ja2VyIjtpOjA7fQ== [has_result] => 1 [posts] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 4817 [content] =>Egyre több információ lát napvilágot Fernando Alonso súlyos sérüléséről, aki idén tervezett visszatérni a Forma-1-ben egy több éves kihagyást követően, de lehetséges, hogy még várnia kell.
Először az olasz sajtó számolt be a kétszeres spanyol világbajnok súlyos kerékpárbalesetéről, miután elütötte egy autó. A pontos részletek nem ismertek, de az már biztos, hogy az Alpine pilótája azonnali kórházi ellátásra szorult.
Már az első hírek is lehetséges törésekről szóltak, és ezzel egy időben beindult a nagy médialavina és találgatás, hogy vajon mennyit kell kihagynia 2005 és 2006 világbajnokának, aki két évig volt távol a királykategóriától.
Alonso profi kerékpárosnak tekinthető, rengeteg kilométer van mögötte, és Lugano sem volt ismeretlen számára, ahol elütötték. A jelentését követően az Alpine F1 Team hivatalos közleményt adott ki.
A közleményben leírták, hogy Alonso közúti balesetet szenvedett Svájcban, kerékpározás közben. A körülményekhez képest jól érzi magát, és tudatánál van.
A rosszabb hírek közé tartozik, hogy a szerint a BBC neves F1-es tudósítója, Andrew Benson a forrásaitól megtudta, Alonso állkapcsa eltört és Bernbe szállítják át, hogy a lehető legjobb kezelésben részesüljön egy specialista kezei által.
A Le Mans-győztes világbajnok idén július végén tölti be a negyvenet, de még mindig az egyik legjobbnak tartják, és ha egy kicsivel több szerencséje van, sokszoros világbajnok lehetne. A Ferrarival két alkalommal is egy hajszállal maradt le a trófeáról, míg a McLarennel egyszer.
Barkın Kızıl, aki szintén kerékpározik és a török Eurosport motorsport-kommentátora, azt írja, hogy általános vélemények szerint egy állkapocstörés gyógyulási ideje 6-8 hét. Lehetséges, hogy Alonso nem lesz ott Bahreinben, de ha minden jól megy, Imolában már visszatérhet a második versenyhétvégén.
Hangsúlyozzuk, egyelőre még az állkapocstörése sem hivatalos, és ha az el is tört, nem tudni, hogy milyen mértékben. Továbbá az sem ismert, hogy milyen más sérülései, törései lehetnek.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A körülményekhez képest jól érzi magát, és tudatánál van. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1613337600 [modified] => 1613307997 ) [title] => Információk a súlyos balesetet szenvedett Alonsóról [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 4817 [uk] => 4821 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 4794 [image] => Array ( [id] => 4794 [original] => [original_lng] => 523294 [original_w] => 2560 [original_h] => 1707 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 512 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 683 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1536 [height] => 1024 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1365 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2560 [height] => 1707 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => sport [color] => purple [title] => Спорт ) [_edit_lock] => 1613455985:3 [_thumbnail_id] => 4794 [_edit_last] => 4 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 3931 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] =>[_oembed_time_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] => 1613330408 [_oembed_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] =>Excruciating moment onlookers try to pick thousands of painful chunks of cactus bush from cyclist after crash.
— MassiVeMaC (@SchengenStory) November 11, 2020
Diego Moreno was riding at the back of a pack of three in the City Park area of Buenos Aires, when the horrible incident occurred.
#SchengenStoryNews[_oembed_time_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] => 1626443211 [_oembed_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] =>? Relive the tension and the emotion of a stage marked by crashes but also a magnificent performance from World Champ?? @alafpolak1!
— Tour de France™ (@LeTour) June 26, 2021
⏩ Here are the highlights from the first stage #TDF2021![_oembed_time_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] => 1627839167 [_oembed_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] =>Verstappen and Hamilton collide!
— Formula 1 (@F1) July 18, 2021
The title rivals come together at Copse, pitching Verstappen into a high-speed crash.
The Dutchman was able to walk away but he has been taken to hospital for precautionary checks#BritishGP ?? #F1[_oembed_time_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] => 1627839168 [_oembed_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => [_oembed_time_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => 1643900050 [_oembed_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] =>[_oembed_time_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] => 1644580874 [_oembed_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] =>The new safety cell did its job ?
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt ?#WRC[_oembed_time_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] => 1644580874 [_oembed_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => [_oembed_time_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => 1644580874 [_oembed_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022[_oembed_time_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] => 1659027087 [_oembed_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] => 1659027088 [_oembed_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@DrWreckerr) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] => 1659027088 [_oembed_980dea86a31a64ca8ebdadef784fcc7e] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] => 1660841888 [_oembed_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => [_oembed_time_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => 1719538179 [_oembed_f4be1a7d39c68bc36c7169c7252c4997] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ac5dfc68af78d0982ab60e7cdf27ef37] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] =>Awful crash involving Matt Walls and spectators. #velodrome #crash #cycling #CommonwealthGames
— Sky Sports ? (@Sky5Sports) July 31, 2022[_oembed_time_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] => 1720341865 [_oembed_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] => 1720341865 [_oembed_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@Que_Que_Que_Que) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] => 1720341865 [_oembed_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] => 1720341865 [_oembed_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] =>The new safety cell did its job 🙏
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt 💥#WRC[_oembed_time_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] => 1720341866 [_oembed_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => [_oembed_time_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => 1720341866 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 2896 [2] => 41 [3] => 49 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Autósport [2] => Cikkek [3] => Hírek ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 414 [1] => 2818 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Baleset [1] => Fernando Alonso ) ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 4793 [content] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022Veszélybe került a kétszeres világbajnok Fernando Alonso F1-es visszatérése: olasz lapértesülések szerint kerékpározás közben ütötte el egy autó.
Az olasz La Gazzetta dello Sport értesülései szerint egy autó ütötte el Fernando Alonsót, miközben a svájci Lugano közelében kerékpározott. A kétszeres világbajnokot gyorsan a helyi kórházba szállították, az első röntgenfelvételek alapján több csontja is eltörhetett, ami akár visszatérését is veszélybe sodorhatja.
Csütörtök esti tweetjében az Alpine is megerősítette a tényt, miszerint baleset érte Alonsót. Úgy tudni, tudatánál van a spanyol, viszont az enstone-i csapat közleménye szerint az orvosi kivizsgálások eredményei csak péntek reggelre várhatóak. Ennél hamarabb nem is fog nyilatkozni Alonso ügyében az Alpine.
A 39 éves versenyzőhöz közel álló forrásokra hivatkozva arról írt a BBC F1-es szakírója, Andrew Benson a Twitteren, hogy Alonsót át fogják szállítani Bernbe, ahol egy specialista veszi kezelésbe. Információi szerint az állkapcsa tört el.
Alonso a 2015-ös szezon előtt is balesetet szenvedett, amikor a barcelonai előszezoni teszten falnak ütközött a McLaren-Hondával. Az akkori incidens következtében agyrázkódást szenvedett el, ami miatt a szezonnyitó Ausztrál Nagydíjat ki is hagyta.
Hat évvel ezelőtt Kevin Magnussen ugrott be Alonso helyére a wokingiaknál, jelen esetben kérdéses, ki lehetne a spanyol helyettese, az Alpine ugyanis még nem jelentette be tartalékversenyzőjét. Tavaly Szergej Szirotkin és az Alpine Academy tagjai között listázott Csou Kuan-jü voltak az akkor még Renault-ként szereplő gárda tartalékosai.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Veszélybe került a kétszeres világbajnok Fernando Alonso F1-es visszatérése: olasz lapértesülések szerint kerékpározás közben ütötte el egy autó. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1613126100 [modified] => 1613123544 ) [title] => Alonsót elgázolták, kórházba szállították [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 4793 [uk] => 4797 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 4794 [image] => Array ( [id] => 4794 [original] => [original_lng] => 523294 [original_w] => 2560 [original_h] => 1707 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 512 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 683 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1536 [height] => 1024 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2048 [height] => 1365 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 2560 [height] => 1707 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => sport [color] => purple [title] => Спорт ) [_edit_lock] => 1613300514:4 [_thumbnail_id] => 4794 [_edit_last] => 4 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 3726 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] =>[_oembed_time_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] => 1613118908 [_oembed_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] =>Excruciating moment onlookers try to pick thousands of painful chunks of cactus bush from cyclist after crash.
— MassiVeMaC (@SchengenStory) November 11, 2020
Diego Moreno was riding at the back of a pack of three in the City Park area of Buenos Aires, when the horrible incident occurred.
#SchengenStoryNews[_oembed_time_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] => 1626908481 [_oembed_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] =>? Relive the tension and the emotion of a stage marked by crashes but also a magnificent performance from World Champ?? @alafpolak1!
— Tour de France™ (@LeTour) June 26, 2021
⏩ Here are the highlights from the first stage #TDF2021![_oembed_time_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] => 1627934906 [_oembed_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] =>Verstappen and Hamilton collide!
— Formula 1 (@F1) July 18, 2021
The title rivals come together at Copse, pitching Verstappen into a high-speed crash.
The Dutchman was able to walk away but he has been taken to hospital for precautionary checks#BritishGP ?? #F1[_oembed_time_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] => 1627934906 [_oembed_f34563d56dec9f4e53586642c6b97afa] =>[_oembed_time_f34563d56dec9f4e53586642c6b97afa] => 1631748681 [_oembed_27b2910a52891f7729b9f1095e7d4fff] =>[_oembed_time_27b2910a52891f7729b9f1095e7d4fff] => 1631748681 [_oembed_ada6f5e58008c46675f3204e5d1ce9d2] =>The official top 10 finishers at Spa#BelgianGP ?? #F1
— Formula 1 (@F1) August 29, 2021[_oembed_time_ada6f5e58008c46675f3204e5d1ce9d2] => 1631748681 [_oembed_fdcf0a9e9ccf46de6ba5fc23f363305b] =>Lewis Hamilton's championship lead has been cut to 3 points #BelgianGP ?? #F1
— Formula 1 (@F1) August 29, 2021[_oembed_time_fdcf0a9e9ccf46de6ba5fc23f363305b] => 1640896328 [_oembed_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => [_oembed_time_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => 1643901884 [_oembed_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] =>A dream come true for @Max33Verstappen as he crosses the line in Abu Dhabi ?
— Formula 1 (@F1) December 12, 2021
And becomes F1 World Champion for the first time! ? ?#AbuDhabiGP ?? #F1[_oembed_time_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] => 1644737181 [_oembed_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] =>The new safety cell did its job ?
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt ?#WRC[_oembed_time_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] => 1644737181 [_oembed_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => [_oembed_time_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => 1644737181 [_oembed_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022[_oembed_time_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] => 1659714692 [_oembed_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] => 1659714693 [_oembed_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@DrWreckerr) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] => 1659714693 [_oembed_980dea86a31a64ca8ebdadef784fcc7e] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] => 1661083635 [_oembed_937eaae17b451391cf4b6ad69e248fd5] => [_oembed_time_937eaae17b451391cf4b6ad69e248fd5] => 1692341151 [_oembed_1b55b492b4562c8613e4d1c3eaae19ee] =>Awful crash involving Matt Walls and spectators. #velodrome #crash #cycling #CommonwealthGames
— Sky Sports ? (@Sky5Sports) July 31, 2022[_oembed_time_1b55b492b4562c8613e4d1c3eaae19ee] => 1695751413 [_oembed_6d676fcb77aecbe5b3bd28d6da18d954] =>MAX VERSTAPPEN WINS THE DUTCH GRAND PRIX ?
— Formula 1 (@F1) August 27, 2023
The Red Bull driver takes his ninth win in a row to equal Sebastian Vettel’s record for most consecutive wins ?#DutchGP #F1[_oembed_time_6d676fcb77aecbe5b3bd28d6da18d954] => 1695751413 [_oembed_60694e7dfb2c217821a3ff87d596c07f] =>Max and Nando ?
— Verstappen News (@verstappenews) August 27, 2023[_oembed_time_60694e7dfb2c217821a3ff87d596c07f] => 1701895402 [_oembed_e14e04b828b0e98e0b984295e133ef44] =>MAX VERSTAPPEN WINS AT SUZUKA ?#F1 #JapaneseGP
— Formula 1 (@F1) September 24, 2023[_oembed_time_e14e04b828b0e98e0b984295e133ef44] => 1701895403 [_oembed_b2b6e676e0ad01c6aaa72382edc8522b] =>CHAMPIONS! ?@redbullracing make it back-to-back constructors’ titles!#F1 #JapaneseGP
— Formula 1 (@F1) September 24, 2023[_oembed_time_b2b6e676e0ad01c6aaa72382edc8522b] => 1714365081 [_oembed_9fbfc72fb32690d15e6270357b50d4b9] =>LAP 21/53
— Formula 1 (@F1) April 7, 2024
"Change this strategy." 📻
The message is loud and clear from HAM 😳#F1 #JapaneseGP[_oembed_time_9fbfc72fb32690d15e6270357b50d4b9] => 1714365081 [_oembed_48bd267227d1069fb695a98561314917] =>LAP 43/53
— Formula 1 (@F1) April 7, 2024
Ten laps to go - here's the order 👇#F1 #JapaneseGP[_oembed_time_48bd267227d1069fb695a98561314917] => 1714365081 [_oembed_58c0ca9b14eb5155e0a773db409bc23d] =>LAP 46/53
— Formula 1 (@F1) April 7, 2024
Carlos gets it done!
It's a smooooooth pass around the outside of T1 to put the Spaniard up onto the podium! 🌶️#F1 #JapaneseGP[_oembed_time_58c0ca9b14eb5155e0a773db409bc23d] => 1714365081 [_oembed_275dd3f47ea142ee2946cf49735a40e8] =>🥇 Verstappen
— Formula 1 (@F1) April 7, 2024
🥈 Perez
🥉 Sainz
Your podium 🏆👇#F1 #JapaneseGP[_oembed_time_275dd3f47ea142ee2946cf49735a40e8] => 1719739372 [_oembed_a7d1b2b254e311c5114a37a0a33f77b1] =>LAP 21/53
— Formula 1 (@F1) April 7, 2024
"Change this strategy." 📻
The message is loud and clear from HAM 😳#F1 #JapaneseGP[_oembed_time_a7d1b2b254e311c5114a37a0a33f77b1] => 1719739372 [_oembed_b021a2b903072a4ab0a25f620a5c4ab2] =>LAP 43/53
— Formula 1 (@F1) April 7, 2024
Ten laps to go - here's the order 👇#F1 #JapaneseGP[_oembed_time_b021a2b903072a4ab0a25f620a5c4ab2] => 1719739372 [_oembed_bd47d98a7d3944728a1c7b14ee33cc78] =>LAP 46/53
— Formula 1 (@F1) April 7, 2024
Carlos gets it done!
It's a smooooooth pass around the outside of T1 to put the Spaniard up onto the podium! 🌶️#F1 #JapaneseGP[_oembed_time_bd47d98a7d3944728a1c7b14ee33cc78] => 1719739372 [_oembed_b80fa61fbd1b9d6ddb227ea631a0971c] =>🥇 Verstappen
— Formula 1 (@F1) April 7, 2024
🥈 Perez
🥉 Sainz
Your podium 🏆👇#F1 #JapaneseGP[_oembed_time_b80fa61fbd1b9d6ddb227ea631a0971c] => 1720765470 [_oembed_d466d20662665e395c44fce625d44fa8] =>Your grid for the 2024 Spanish Grand Prix! 🇪🇸 #F1 #SpanishGP
— Formula 1 (@F1) June 22, 2024[_oembed_time_d466d20662665e395c44fce625d44fa8] => 1721140353 [_oembed_d5fdf8f73411d3350fc23bc42425875c] =>Verstappen and Norris share the front row again ⚔️
— Formula 1 (@F1) June 29, 2024
We're all set for a sizzling Sunday in Spielberg 🔥#F1 #AustrianGP[_oembed_time_d5fdf8f73411d3350fc23bc42425875c] => 1721140353 [_oembed_2db67f0b707c0d687441444a4a813909] =>RACE CLASSIFICATION (LAP 71/71)
— Formula 1 (@F1) June 30, 2024
Russell takes his second victory in F1 💪
Bravo, George 👏👏👏#F1 #AustrianGP[_oembed_time_2db67f0b707c0d687441444a4a813909] => 1723533007 [_oembed_64f9665d3d1f2f9916317e09f039a785] =>Heartbreaking… We came in 1.5kg underweight and have been disqualified from the race.
— George Russell (@GeorgeRussell63) July 28, 2024
We left it all on the track today and I take pride in crossing the line first.
There will be more to come.🏆💙[_oembed_time_64f9665d3d1f2f9916317e09f039a785] => 1726645979 [_oembed_e0ad3d473a4856ad516a9012b3ce1c7c] =>BREAKING: Andrea Kimi Antonelli to race for Mercedes from 2025!#F1
— Formula 1 (@F1) August 31, 2024[_oembed_time_e0ad3d473a4856ad516a9012b3ce1c7c] => 1730971749 [_oembed_66660be29cecabf161d1929ba8d9a507] =>Sir Jackie Stewart thinks it will be "more difficult" for Lewis Hamilton to achieve his #F1 goals by joining Ferrari at the age of 40, and thinks there is something "unusual" about the switch 🗣🤔
— Mirror F1 (@MirrorF1) October 1, 2024[_oembed_time_66660be29cecabf161d1929ba8d9a507] => 1734799353 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 15 [1] => 2896 [2] => 41 [3] => 49 [4] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => A nap hírei [1] => Autósport [2] => Cikkek [3] => Hírek [4] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 414 [1] => 2818 [2] => 6121 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Baleset [1] => Fernando Alonso [2] => Forma–1 ) ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 4154 [content] =>The Formula 1 Commission convened at the FIA offices in Geneva, Switzerland today to discuss matters relating to the 2025 season and beyond 👇#F1
— Formula 1 (@F1) November 13, 2024Egy kátyú miatt esett el az argentin Diego Moreno biciklijével Buenos Airesben, de ez még talán nem lett volna annyira fájdalmas, ha nem egy kaktuszbokorban landol.
Moreno átrepült a kormány felett, és mikor magához tért, már több ezer kaktusztövis fúrta át a bőrét. Járókelők siettek a segítségére, és szedték ki a nagyobb darabokat, de végül kórházba kellett szállítani, ahol ellátták sérüléseit.
A biciklis szerencséje, hogy sisakot és szemüveget viselt, mert könnyen megvakulhatott volna a szúrásoktól ezek nélkül.
[type] => post [excerpt] => Egy kátyú miatt esett el az argentin Diego Moreno biciklijével Buenos Airesben, de ez még talán nem lett volna annyira fájdalmas, ha nem egy kaktuszbokorban landol. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1605541620 [modified] => 1605455301 ) [title] => Kaktuszbokorban landolt az argentin biciklis [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 4154 ) [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 4156 [image] => Array ( [id] => 4156 [original] => [original_lng] => 57039 [original_w] => 800 [original_h] => 370 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 139 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 355 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 370 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 370 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 370 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 800 [height] => 370 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => sport [color] => purple [title] => Спорт ) [_edit_lock] => 1605448218:12 [_oembed_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] =>[_oembed_time_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] => 1605447989 [_thumbnail_id] => 4156 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 8100 [_oembed_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] =>Excruciating moment onlookers try to pick thousands of painful chunks of cactus bush from cyclist after crash.
— MassiVeMaC (@SchengenStory) November 11, 2020
Diego Moreno was riding at the back of a pack of three in the City Park area of Buenos Aires, when the horrible incident occurred.
#SchengenStoryNews[_oembed_time_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] => 1625779980 [_oembed_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] =>? Relive the tension and the emotion of a stage marked by crashes but also a magnificent performance from World Champ?? @alafpolak1!
— Tour de France™ (@LeTour) June 26, 2021
⏩ Here are the highlights from the first stage #TDF2021![_oembed_time_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] => 1628019236 [_oembed_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] =>Verstappen and Hamilton collide!
— Formula 1 (@F1) July 18, 2021
The title rivals come together at Copse, pitching Verstappen into a high-speed crash.
The Dutchman was able to walk away but he has been taken to hospital for precautionary checks#BritishGP ?? #F1[_oembed_time_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] => 1628019236 [_oembed_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => [_oembed_time_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => 1644273643 [_oembed_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] =>[_oembed_time_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] => 1645136085 [_oembed_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] =>The new safety cell did its job ?
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt ?#WRC[_oembed_time_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] => 1645136085 [_oembed_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => [_oembed_time_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => 1645136085 [_oembed_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022[_oembed_time_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] => 1659026379 [_oembed_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] => 1659026379 [_oembed_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@DrWreckerr) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] => 1659026380 [_oembed_980dea86a31a64ca8ebdadef784fcc7e] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] => 1660838091 [_oembed_86584e9ae05bdc5b28324aa72136eba8] =>Awful crash involving Matt Walls and spectators. #velodrome #crash #cycling #CommonwealthGames
— Sky Sports ? (@Sky5Sports) July 31, 2022[_oembed_time_86584e9ae05bdc5b28324aa72136eba8] => 1719489233 [_oembed_f4be1a7d39c68bc36c7169c7252c4997] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ac5dfc68af78d0982ab60e7cdf27ef37] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] =>Excruciating moment onlookers try to pick thousands of painful chunks of cactus bush from cyclist after crash.
— MassiVeMaC (@SchengenStory) November 11, 2020
Diego Moreno was riding at the back of a pack of three in the City Park area of Buenos Aires, when the horrible incident occurred.
#SchengenStoryNews[_oembed_time_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] => 1719489233 [_oembed_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] => 1719489234 [_oembed_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@Que_Que_Que_Que) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] => 1719489234 [_oembed_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] => 1719489234 [_oembed_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] =>The new safety cell did its job 🙏
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt 💥#WRC[_oembed_time_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] => 1719489234 [_oembed_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => [_oembed_time_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => 1719489234 [_oembed_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => [_oembed_time_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => 1719489234 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 41 [1] => 125 [2] => 25 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Cikkek [1] => Kerékpározás [2] => Videók [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 414 [1] => 5344 [2] => 5343 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Baleset [1] => kaktusz [2] => kerékpárverseny ) ) [3] => Array ( [id] => 1353 [content] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022A Mexikó északi részén egy fiatal sportolókat szállító busz balesetének következtében minimum hat ember meghalt, 25 utas különböző súlyosságú sérülést szenvedett – erről a Televisa kiadvány számolt be.
Az incidens Mexikó Sonora szövetségi államában, Benjamin Hill önkormányzati székhely közelében történt. A 13 és 17 év közötti fiatal bokszolókat szállító autóbusz egy verseny után tartott Ciudad Obregonból Puerto Penascoba. A balesetben öt bokszoló és az edző, Jonathan Oros életét vesztette.
Az El Sol de Hermosillo kiadvány szerint, a nem hivatalos adatok szerint hét áldozata van a balesetnek, a busz vezetője is meghalt.
A rendészeti szervek megkezdték a tragédia körülményeinek vizsgálatát. A rendelkezésre álló információk alapján, a buszvezető elveszthette az uralmát a jármű felett, s miután letért az útról, árokba borult.
[type] => post [excerpt] => A Mexikó északi részén egy fiatal sportolókat szállító busz balesetének következtében minimum hat ember meghalt, 25 utas különböző súlyosságú sérülést szenvedett – erről a Televisa kiadvány számolt be. [autID] => 12 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1583789700 [modified] => 1583779938 ) [title] => Balesetet szenvedett a mexikói ifjúsági ökölvívó csapatot szállító autóbusz [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 1353 [uk] => 1340 ) [trid] => ild5234 [aut] => totinviktoria [lang] => hu [image_id] => 1342 [image] => Array ( [id] => 1342 [original] => [original_lng] => 338167 [original_w] => 1080 [original_h] => 609 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 433 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 577 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1080 [height] => 609 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1080 [height] => 609 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1080 [height] => 609 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => sport [color] => purple [title] => Спорт ) [_edit_lock] => 1583772738:12 [_thumbnail_id] => 1342 [_edit_last] => 12 [views_count] => 3639 [_oembed_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] =>[_oembed_time_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] => 1608820510 [_oembed_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] =>Excruciating moment onlookers try to pick thousands of painful chunks of cactus bush from cyclist after crash.
— MassiVeMaC (@SchengenStory) November 11, 2020
Diego Moreno was riding at the back of a pack of three in the City Park area of Buenos Aires, when the horrible incident occurred.
#SchengenStoryNews[_oembed_time_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] => 1626342497 [_oembed_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] =>? Relive the tension and the emotion of a stage marked by crashes but also a magnificent performance from World Champ?? @alafpolak1!
— Tour de France™ (@LeTour) June 26, 2021
⏩ Here are the highlights from the first stage #TDF2021![_oembed_time_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] => 1628651103 [_oembed_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] =>Verstappen and Hamilton collide!
— Formula 1 (@F1) July 18, 2021
The title rivals come together at Copse, pitching Verstappen into a high-speed crash.
The Dutchman was able to walk away but he has been taken to hospital for precautionary checks#BritishGP ?? #F1[_oembed_time_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] => 1628651103 [_oembed_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => [_oembed_time_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => 1643685061 [_oembed_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] =>[_oembed_time_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] => 1644926725 [_oembed_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] =>The new safety cell did its job ?
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt ?#WRC[_oembed_time_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] => 1644926725 [_oembed_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => [_oembed_time_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => 1644926726 [_oembed_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022[_oembed_time_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] => 1659591527 [_oembed_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] => 1659591527 [_oembed_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@DrWreckerr) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] => 1659591528 [_oembed_980dea86a31a64ca8ebdadef784fcc7e] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] => 1660139181 [_oembed_f4be1a7d39c68bc36c7169c7252c4997] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ac5dfc68af78d0982ab60e7cdf27ef37] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] =>Awful crash involving Matt Walls and spectators. #velodrome #crash #cycling #CommonwealthGames
— Sky Sports ? (@Sky5Sports) July 31, 2022[_oembed_time_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] => 1720364828 [_oembed_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] => 1720364829 [_oembed_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@Que_Que_Que_Que) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] => 1720364829 [_oembed_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] => 1720364829 [_oembed_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] =>The new safety cell did its job 🙏
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt 💥#WRC[_oembed_time_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] => 1720364829 [_oembed_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => [_oembed_time_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => 1720364829 [_oembed_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => [_oembed_time_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => 1720364830 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 49 [1] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Hírek [1] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 414 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Baleset ) ) [4] => Array ( [id] => 1115 [content] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022Kobe Bryant özvegye, Vanessa Bryant beperelte annak a helikopternek a tulajdonosát, amely január 26-án, vasárnap reggel lezuhant Kaliforniában, Los Angeles közelében, megölve a férjét és 13 éves lányát – írja az AP News.
A Vanessa Bryant által benyújtott kereset szerint a helikopter pilótája hanyag és gondatlan volt, a baleset napján a felhős idő miatt egyáltalán nem lett volna szabad felszállnia.
A helikopter pilótája, Ara Zobayan maga is a helikopter-balesetben meghalt 9 áldozat egyike volt.
Kobe Bryant, az ötszörös NBA-bajnok, 18-szoros All-Star-játékos január 26-án, vasárnap reggel egy hegynek ütközött helikopterével. A helikopteren utazott 13 éves lánya, Gianna Maria is, akivel épp edzésre tartottak. Ahogy arról korábban már az Index is beszámolt, nem volt engedélye rossz látásviszonyok közötti repülésre annak a cégnek, amelynek a helikopterével Kobe Bryant és hét másik utas szenvedett halálos balesetet.
Forrás: Index
[type] => post [excerpt] => Kobe Bryant özvegye, Vanessa Bryant beperelte a helikopter tulajdonosát, amelyik lezuhant férjével és lányával. [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1582621200 [modified] => 1582590901 ) [title] => Kobe Bryant özvegye beperelte a helikopter üzemeltetőjét [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 1115 [uk] => 1127 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 1116 [image] => Array ( [id] => 1116 [original] => [original_lng] => 102377 [original_w] => 727 [original_h] => 485 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 200 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 727 [height] => 485 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 727 [height] => 485 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 727 [height] => 485 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 727 [height] => 485 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 727 [height] => 485 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => sport [color] => purple [title] => Спорт ) [_edit_lock] => 1582583701:4 [_thumbnail_id] => 1116 [_edit_last] => 4 [translation_required] => 2 [views_count] => 7097 [translation_required_done] => 1 [_oembed_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] =>[_oembed_time_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] => 1610129594 [_oembed_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] =>Excruciating moment onlookers try to pick thousands of painful chunks of cactus bush from cyclist after crash.
— MassiVeMaC (@SchengenStory) November 11, 2020
Diego Moreno was riding at the back of a pack of three in the City Park area of Buenos Aires, when the horrible incident occurred.
#SchengenStoryNews[_oembed_time_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] => 1626071580 [_oembed_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] =>? Relive the tension and the emotion of a stage marked by crashes but also a magnificent performance from World Champ?? @alafpolak1!
— Tour de France™ (@LeTour) June 26, 2021
⏩ Here are the highlights from the first stage #TDF2021![_oembed_time_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] => 1629446543 [_oembed_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] =>Verstappen and Hamilton collide!
— Formula 1 (@F1) July 18, 2021
The title rivals come together at Copse, pitching Verstappen into a high-speed crash.
The Dutchman was able to walk away but he has been taken to hospital for precautionary checks#BritishGP ?? #F1[_oembed_time_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] => 1629446543 [_oembed_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => [_oembed_time_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => 1644370951 [_oembed_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] =>[_oembed_time_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] => 1644821377 [_oembed_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] =>The new safety cell did its job ?
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt ?#WRC[_oembed_time_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] => 1644821377 [_oembed_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => [_oembed_time_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => 1644821378 [_oembed_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022[_oembed_time_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] => 1659044113 [_oembed_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] => 1659044114 [_oembed_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@DrWreckerr) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] => 1659044114 [_oembed_980dea86a31a64ca8ebdadef784fcc7e] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] => 1660139181 [_oembed_f4be1a7d39c68bc36c7169c7252c4997] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ac5dfc68af78d0982ab60e7cdf27ef37] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] =>Awful crash involving Matt Walls and spectators. #velodrome #crash #cycling #CommonwealthGames
— Sky Sports ? (@Sky5Sports) July 31, 2022[_oembed_time_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] => 1719696152 [_oembed_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] => 1719696152 [_oembed_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@Que_Que_Que_Que) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] => 1719696152 [_oembed_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] => 1719696152 [_oembed_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] =>The new safety cell did its job 🙏
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt 💥#WRC[_oembed_time_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] => 1719696152 [_oembed_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => [_oembed_time_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => 1719696152 [_oembed_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => [_oembed_time_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => 1719696153 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 49 [1] => 121 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Hírek [1] => Kosárlabda [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 414 [1] => 718 [2] => 416 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Baleset [1] => Kobe Bryant [2] => NBA ) ) [5] => Array ( [id] => 710 [content] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022Egyre valószínűbb, hogy Kobe Bryant helikoptere a rossz látási viszonyok miatt került bajba, és nem azért, mert valamilyen technikai gond adódott.
Az amerikai közlekedésbiztonsági testület (NTSB) egy tagja szerint a Kobe Bryant helikopterét vezető pilóta egy felhőrétegből szeretett volna kikerülni az ütközés előtt, amelyhez engedélyt is kért, de amikor a légi irányító visszakérdezett, mit tervez, már nem kapott választ.
A CNN által is ismertett új információk szerint Bryant privát repülője 2300 láb (700 méter) magasságig emelkedett, majd egy bal kanyart követően süllyedni kezdett és hirtelen egy hegyoldalnak csapódott a Los Angeles melletti Calabasasnál.
Az NTSB-tag Jennifer Hormendy azt is megosztotta, hogy a repülő darabokra tört az ütközéstől, a roncsok pedig mintegy kétszáz méteres körzetben szóródtak szét a tragédia helyszínén. A gép törzsét a hegy egyik oldalán, a farokrészt a másikon találták meg. A rotorra egy harmadik helyen, majdnem száz méterrel arrébb bukkantak rá.
Az NTSB szerint a társaság rendkívül rossz időben, minimális látási viszonyok mellett indult útnak, amely miatt a pilóta különleges repülési engedélyt kért.
A kosártörténelem egyik legtehetségesebb játékosa, Kobe Bryant lányával és hét másik személlyel együtt szenvedett halálos helikopter-balesetet a hétvégén. A társaság nem ócska géppel szállt fel, egy jól felszerelt és a technikai adatok alapján rendkívül biztonságosnak számító járművel repültek.
Forrás: HVG
[type] => post [excerpt] => [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1580292000 [modified] => 1582590564 ) [title] => Megvan, mi történt az utolsó percekben Kobe Bryanték helikopterén [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 710 [uk] => 719 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 712 [image] => Array ( [id] => 712 [original] => [original_lng] => 109282 [original_w] => 1024 [original_h] => 576 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 169 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 432 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 1024 [height] => 576 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => sport [color] => purple [title] => Спорт ) [_edit_lock] => 1582583365:4 [_thumbnail_id] => 712 [_edit_last] => 4 [views_count] => 5828 [_oembed_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] =>[_oembed_time_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] => 1608696371 [_oembed_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] =>Excruciating moment onlookers try to pick thousands of painful chunks of cactus bush from cyclist after crash.
— MassiVeMaC (@SchengenStory) November 11, 2020
Diego Moreno was riding at the back of a pack of three in the City Park area of Buenos Aires, when the horrible incident occurred.
#SchengenStoryNews[_oembed_time_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] => 1626385444 [_oembed_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] =>? Relive the tension and the emotion of a stage marked by crashes but also a magnificent performance from World Champ?? @alafpolak1!
— Tour de France™ (@LeTour) June 26, 2021
⏩ Here are the highlights from the first stage #TDF2021![_oembed_time_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] => 1627977157 [_oembed_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] =>Verstappen and Hamilton collide!
— Formula 1 (@F1) July 18, 2021
The title rivals come together at Copse, pitching Verstappen into a high-speed crash.
The Dutchman was able to walk away but he has been taken to hospital for precautionary checks#BritishGP ?? #F1[_oembed_time_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] => 1627977157 [_oembed_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => [_oembed_time_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => 1644330850 [_oembed_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] =>[_oembed_time_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] => 1644739686 [_oembed_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] =>The new safety cell did its job ?
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt ?#WRC[_oembed_time_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] => 1644739686 [_oembed_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => [_oembed_time_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => 1644739686 [_oembed_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022[_oembed_time_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] => 1659636387 [_oembed_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] => 1659636387 [_oembed_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@DrWreckerr) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] => 1659636388 [_oembed_980dea86a31a64ca8ebdadef784fcc7e] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] => 1660880818 [_oembed_f4be1a7d39c68bc36c7169c7252c4997] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ac5dfc68af78d0982ab60e7cdf27ef37] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] =>Awful crash involving Matt Walls and spectators. #velodrome #crash #cycling #CommonwealthGames
— Sky Sports ? (@Sky5Sports) July 31, 2022[_oembed_time_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] => 1720426804 [_oembed_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] => 1720426804 [_oembed_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@Que_Que_Que_Que) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] => 1720426804 [_oembed_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] => 1720426804 [_oembed_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] =>The new safety cell did its job 🙏
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt 💥#WRC[_oembed_time_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] => 1720426804 [_oembed_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => [_oembed_time_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => 1720426805 [_oembed_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => [_oembed_time_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => 1720426805 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 49 [1] => 11 [2] => 121 [3] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Hírek [1] => Kiemelt téma [2] => Kosárlabda [3] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 414 [1] => 718 [2] => 416 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Baleset [1] => Kobe Bryant [2] => NBA ) ) [6] => Array ( [id] => 690 [content] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022Kobe Bryant (1978–2020) (Fotó: AFP) Helikopter-balesetben elhunyt a Los Angeles Lakers korábbi kiváló kosárlabdázója, Kobe Bryant. A legendás NBA-játékos halálhíréről a TMZ számolt be elsőként, majd a Los Angeles-i rendőrség is megerősítette azt.
A legfrissebb információk szerint Kobe Bryant – aki már játékosként is rendszeresen Sikorsky S-76-os típusú helikopterével utazott, többek között a Los Angeles Lakers mérkőzéseire is a Staples Centerbe – és négy további ember tartózkodott a helikopteren, amely eddig ismeretlen okokból lezuhant, és kigyulladt.
Az ABC hírcsatorna beszámolója szerint helyi idő szerint reggel 10 órakor (magyar idő szerint 19 órakor) a dél-kaliforniai Calabasas közelében, ködös időjárásban zuhant le a Sikorsky S-76-os típusú helikopter, fedélzetén öt emberrel. A Los Angeles-i rendőrség közlése szerint a lezuhant gép azonnal kigyulladt, ahogy a körülötte lévő bozótok is, így a tűzoltók rendkívül nehezen tudták megközelíteni.
A balesetet senki sem élte túl, a TMZ információi szerint Vanessa Bryant, a legendás kosárlabdázó felesége nem volt a járművön. Az egykori sportoló felesége mellett négy gyermekét, Giannát, Nataliát, Biancát és Caprit hagyta hátra.
A baleset okát egyelőre vizsgálják.
Kobe Bryant 2016-ban vonult vissza, egész profi pályafutása alatt a Los Angeles Lakers szolgálatában állt, az 1996-os draft után 20 évet húzott le a csapatban. Ötszörös bajnok, kétszer választották a döntő MVP-jének. Az NBA valaha volt egyik legjobb játékosának tartották, 18-szor szerepelt az All Star-csapatban, 2008-ban az alapszakasz legértékesebbjének is megválasztották. A Lakers mindkét mezszámát (8. 24) visszavonultatta.
LeBron James, a Los Angeles Lakers jelenlegi klasszisa épp ma hajnalban, a Philadelphia elleni meccsen előzte meg Kobe Bryantet – aki a legfiatalabbként, 34 évesen érte el a 30 ezer pontot a ligában – az NBA örökranglistáján dobott pontok tekintetében.
[type] => post [excerpt] => [autID] => 4 [date] => Array ( [created] => 1580078076 [modified] => 1582590517 ) [title] => Gyász: helikopter-balesetben elhunyt a Lakers-legenda Kobe Bryant [url] => [status] => publish [translations] => Array ( [hu] => 690 ) [aut] => avecsorinszka [lang] => hu [image_id] => 691 [image] => Array ( [id] => 691 [original] => [original_lng] => 63672 [original_w] => 960 [original_h] => 720 [sizes] => Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 300 [height] => 225 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 768 [height] => 576 ) [large] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 960 [height] => 720 ) [1536x1536] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 960 [height] => 720 ) [2048x2048] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 960 [height] => 720 ) [full] => Array ( [url] => [width] => 960 [height] => 720 ) ) ) [video] => [comments_count] => 0 [domain] => Array ( [hid] => sport [color] => purple [title] => Спорт ) [_edit_lock] => 1585600662:4 [_thumbnail_id] => 691 [views_count] => 4359 [_edit_last] => 4 [_oembed_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] =>[_oembed_time_1b31128e1b1994cda3bcc819d6ec12bd] => 1608790111 [_oembed_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] =>Excruciating moment onlookers try to pick thousands of painful chunks of cactus bush from cyclist after crash.
— MassiVeMaC (@SchengenStory) November 11, 2020
Diego Moreno was riding at the back of a pack of three in the City Park area of Buenos Aires, when the horrible incident occurred.
#SchengenStoryNews[_oembed_time_d8e430bb0860c49fe17f4a754f9067d8] => 1626890441 [_oembed_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] =>? Relive the tension and the emotion of a stage marked by crashes but also a magnificent performance from World Champ?? @alafpolak1!
— Tour de France™ (@LeTour) June 26, 2021
⏩ Here are the highlights from the first stage #TDF2021![_oembed_time_6a40831b62a7a0aaf20aeb8cf4ec11a2] => 1626976806 [_oembed_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] =>Verstappen and Hamilton collide!
— Formula 1 (@F1) July 18, 2021
The title rivals come together at Copse, pitching Verstappen into a high-speed crash.
The Dutchman was able to walk away but he has been taken to hospital for precautionary checks#BritishGP ?? #F1[_oembed_time_4c0818986bbce9e6058eb502ff84e21e] => 1626976807 [_oembed_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => [_oembed_time_dcd8ded1b4c3165b4a9e554a68ce874e] => 1644190212 [_oembed_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] =>[_oembed_time_070abaa858236dcd4fc8a69bba87fee2] => 1645679621 [_oembed_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] =>The new safety cell did its job ?
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt ?#WRC[_oembed_time_4021634c0cecd24f5d5fb041146538c0] => 1645679621 [_oembed_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => [_oembed_time_ad0bff03288cb0f2d3c07598637a3cda] => 1645679621 [_oembed_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] =>Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022[_oembed_time_00388270c3a57d9cc8f7960e1e101c07] => 1657216033 [_oembed_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_146a87c7c5da838f00c10febd1172366] => 1657216033 [_oembed_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@DrWreckerr) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_7aff3473d9fe79adb827c8db44972c2f] => 1657216033 [_oembed_980dea86a31a64ca8ebdadef784fcc7e] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ecc7376bdb0f0aba3bdd7b65e0922237] => 1661428323 [_oembed_f4be1a7d39c68bc36c7169c7252c4997] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_ac5dfc68af78d0982ab60e7cdf27ef37] => {{unknown}} [_oembed_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] =>Awful crash involving Matt Walls and spectators. #velodrome #crash #cycling #CommonwealthGames
— Sky Sports ? (@Sky5Sports) July 31, 2022[_oembed_time_37979531ed5b3a7fe028fe61b77d6652] => 1719652403 [_oembed_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] =>What the hell. Such a terrifying crash. #zhou #formulaone #f1 #britishgp #silverstone @SkySportsF1
— Colleen (@ColleenMason93) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_a4c804a7c2bcea76a884b31e0906e3e8] => 1719652403 [_oembed_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] =>Glad @alex_albon is ok! I'm glad everyone is ok!! That was an insane crash!!! Same with F2. Very scary experience
— Dwayne Morris (@Que_Que_Que_Que) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_ea70bcfe0864d8eefbad5f2811f46406] => 1719652403 [_oembed_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] =>Awful crash at Silverstone, hoping Zhou is ok
— Mismatch (@MismatchSports) July 3, 2022[_oembed_time_65781ef386fc81e2213c1d30e842e3fa] => 1719652403 [_oembed_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] =>The new safety cell did its job 🙏
— Autosport (@autosport) January 21, 2022
But it looks like it’s game over for Fourmaux after this huge shunt 💥#WRC[_oembed_time_fcbac843e6557aaee399c154d465b48f] => 1719652403 [_oembed_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => [_oembed_time_2b2e8c1d9d2a9a588c15433263c6a0a7] => 1719652404 [_oembed_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => [_oembed_time_00334d2efd2ce11b74d5b5a5e2ccf40b] => 1719652404 [labels] => Array ( ) [categories] => Array ( [0] => 49 [1] => 121 [2] => 39 ) [categories_name] => Array ( [0] => Hírek [1] => Kosárlabda [2] => Világ ) [tags] => Array ( [0] => 414 [1] => 718 [2] => 416 ) [tags_name] => Array ( [0] => Baleset [1] => Kobe Bryant [2] => NBA ) ) ) [model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [offset] => 10 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 414 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [_model] => Array ( [lang] => hu [domains] => Array ( [0] => sport ) [offset] => 10 [tax_query] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [taxonomy] => post_tag [field] => id [terms] => Array ( [0] => 414 ) ) ) [afterLocker] => 0 ) [domains] => Array ( [0] => sport ) [_domains] => Array ( [sport] => 1 ) [status] => 1 [from_cache] => )Wow that is what I call a proper accident. Makes any accidents I have had looks like childs play!!
— Nicky Grist (@nickygrist) January 21, 2022
Baleset (2 Oldal)